Sound Research of China


The audio drama “Sound Research of China” (Michael EDDY, KANG He, 李增辉 LI Zenghui) is composed of episodes from research into the makeup of the sound environment of Beijing. The process consisted of many outings as a group into the streets of Beijing and following and questioning the sounds that we identified as “characteristic” of life in China, and of the relation of sound to life there. Working as a unit of three “specialists,” each of our backgrounds informing our manner of recording, analyzing and editing the source materials, we pursued the sounds in various ways to see how they might compose their own narrative and drama.

“Sound Research of China” was a component of Vitamin Creative Space‘s participation and resulting in the installation in the “Structural Integrity” project in Melbourne’s Meat Market for the Next Wave festival.

Knowles Eddy Knowles’ sculpture “the Holding Environment, v. 2” hosting the audio series “Sound Research of China” as well as a video by Chinese artist Zhou Tao, within the Vitamin Creative Space exhibit in the Next Wave Festival.

Sound Research of China episodes



Dongfanghong #1:

Dongfanghong #2:



published March 13th, 2021