Club Ami — Les manœuvres de la côte

Over 2022 and into 2023, along with other artists Maude Arès, Damián Birbrier and Adam Kinner, I took part in visits and workshops at Club Ami in preparation for their 40th anniversary exhibition at Maison de la Culture de Côte-des-Neiges. I noticed early on how the staff and members of Club Ami were negotiating around this project with great care and generosity the delicate puzzles of the past and the present, history and urgency, and the tensions around representation. My contribution was the Big Book, a device that could simply function as a series of surfaces to accommodate an archive of old and new work of various members. It was made of repurposed electrical conduits, textiles, caster wheels and wood.

Details below…


“Wir meinen: die Selbstrasierer sind die Helden alle Zeiten und Länder”

Photographs and documentation of actions and installation, video

Developed as a commission for the McKinsey & Co. offices in Frankfurt (2006), published in Informal Architectures: space and contemporary culture (Black Dog Publishers, 2008)

Dieter Rams, designer whose domestic furnishings and appliances made the Braun company famous, lives on a mountain on the edge of Frankfurt, in a house he designed which functions like a living museum to his own products. Taking his living/working environment as a kind of role model for collective production, we developed models for co-habitation in the studio as well as in-situ, staking out his house from the woods across the street. Eventually we made it inside to interview him.